Chakra Yoga Asana Down Dog Svadhisthana


11 inches in diameter, Steel, Solvent Dye

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Product Description

Down Dog (Ado Mukha Svanasana) Avadhisthana Chakra sculpture part 2 of a 7 chakra series.

The chakras are spiraling wheel spiritual energy centers contained in 7 regions of our subtle body.  Each chakra has an associated color.  Blockages of these different areas are thought to be contributing factors to illness and disease.  The practice of yoga and meditation insure that we keep an open flowing channel of prana (life force) from our root to our crown.

Svadhisthana translates as “the dwelling place of the self” and represents the orange 2nd chakra energy center located in the pubic area that governs creativity, emotion, the sense of taste, and well being. Down dog is the most common yoga pose and offers the best overall stretch and restores a sense of contentment and peace.

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 13 × 2 in