Nataraja Large

90″ x 48″ x 52″   Made from welded steel.

For price and more information about this piece contact Noah


Product Description

This 7.5 foot tall Nataraja sculpture is one of my most ambitious pieces to date.    Nataraja is the dancing form of Lord Shiva.  He represents god as the simultaneous creator and destroyer of existence.  In one hand Shiva holds the damaru (drum) representing the cosmic sound of creation or Aum.  In the opposite hand Shiva holds Agni, the fire of destruction and purification.  In one hand Shiva holds up the palm facing the viewer in the Abhya mudra representing compassion and not to fear.  Within this hand is the symbol for Aum  symbolic of the sound of creative vibration.  In the the other hand Shiva holds his arm like an elephant’s trunk symbol of his son Ganesha.  Shiva has one foot in the air and the other foot on the ground, representing dominion over space and earth.  Shiva is standing on top of  a demon dwarf who represents delusion and anything in the way of truth and pure seeing.    I created this piece by heating and bending steel bars allowing the viewer to see the interior and symbolizing the all pervasive nature of Shiva, how this piece is composed of mostly empty space, like air.  The chakras or energy centers within the body are represented with the mulabanda chakra in the groin area and the heart chakra, symbolized by the six pointed star.   Out of the top of Shiva’s head springs Ganga, the river goddess continuously spring forth life and showers of blessings.   Shiva is wrapped in Cobras, symbolizing his mastery over this most deadly anima representing the senses and the most base impulses.

7.5 Feet Tall by 4 feet wide by 4 feet 4 inches deep